Sunday, October 30, 2016

PENIPUAN Menggunakan Mandiri E-Cash dll - JGN PERNAH MAU DISURUH KE ATM oleh mereka

Mungkin masih banyak yang belum tahu mengenai (Bank) Mandiri E-cash. Termasuk saya yang sampai saat ini juga belum ngeh seandainya tidak ada seorang penipu yang menghubungi saya.



Berhubung ternyata banyak yang jadi korban, maka dibawah ini adalah ringkasan CIRI-CIRI PENIPUAN:

1. Penerima uang di suruh ke ATM saat ini juga

Kalau sobat disuruh pergi ke ATM saat ini juga, dijamin ini adalah 100% PENIPUAN. Jangan mau dan jangan diteruskan

2. Minta difotokan / tanya saldo di rekening ada berapa

Kalau ada pembeli / orang yang menanyakan jumlah saldo di rekening kita, hampir bisa dipastikan itu adalah penipuan. Kalau ada orang yang mau transfer uang, maka tidak akan menanyakan jumlah saldo kita.
Jangan mau percaya kalau mereka mengatakan "biar sama-sama enak kalau ada bukti jumlah saldo sebelum dan sesudah di transfer". Itu hanya trik untuk mengetahui berapa banyak uang anda yang bisa penjahat kuras.

3. Minimal Saldo di rekening adalah Rp. 500.000,-

Kalau ada yang bilang untuk bisa terima transferan harus ada dana minimal Rp. 500.000 di rekening (atau jumlah lain), dijamin itu bohong. Jangan diteruskan, rekening jangan diisi uang atau pinjam2 dana ke teman, saudara, dsb. Selama rekening kita aktif, maka tidak ada minimum dana yang tersimpan di rekening agar bisa terima transferan.

Kalau dapat info seperti diatas = pasti 100% penipuan

Dapat foto spt diatas? PASTI PENIPUAN

4. Pakai kode OTP

Kalau ada yang bilang untuk bisa ambil uang harus pakai OTP (One Tipe Password) atau kita harus infokan kode yang kita terima melalui SMS = Dijamin itu adalah penipuan.

5. Kirim foto KTP / SIM

Kalau ada yang mau beli barang lalu mengirimkan foto KTP / SIM / Identitas diri lainnya, kemungkinan besar itu adalah penipuan. Pembeli sesungguhnya tidak akan mengirimkan foto KTP/SIM.

Saya berani jamin kalau KTP / SIM yang dikirimkan itu adalah milk orang lain yang mungkin didapat dari hasil kejahatan lainnya (copet, dsb). Dibawah ini adalah contoh SIM seseorang yang sering dipakai oleh penjahat untuk melakukan penipuan mandiri E-Cash.

Kirim KTP / SIM = Besar Kemungkinannya itu adalah penipuan

Kalau sobat dikirimkan foto SIM atas nama Damar seperti diatas dan mengatakan sudah transfer dana e-cash, dll, itu dijamin adalah penipuan. Damar sendiri BUKANLAH penipunya, hanya saja SIM milik dirinya di salah gunakan oleh penjahat. (Dapat info dari pembaca yang cross check langsung ke Damar yang asli).

Biasanya penjahat akan mengatakan "ini saya kirim SIM (atau KTP) saya biar percaya, kalau ga percaya bisa datang ke rumah saya saja langsung". Itu hanya kebohongan besar. Logikanya, kalau kita mau transfer uang ke orang lain, ngapain juga suruh orang itu datang ke rumah.

Kalau sobat dikirimkan screenshot cara melakukan transaksi atau "bukti transfer" atau foto serupa seperti dibawah ini, itu SUDAH PASTI penipuan:

Instruksi "pengambilan uang" > INI ADALAH PENIPUAN

Demikianlah artikel mengenai penipuan menggunakan fasilitas Mandiri E-Cash dengan modus hadiah 10 juta dari Telkomsel, modus Bantuan Langsung Tunai, Transaksi jual beli, dsb.


Untuk setiap undian, hadiah, transaksi jual beli, bantuan langsung tunai, dll yang resmi, dari dulu sampai sekarang tidak pernah ada prosedur disuruh pergi ke ATM.
Saya sudah berpengalaman bertahun-tahun transaksi transfer men transfer (baik kirim atau terima) dan tidak pernah ada sekalipun prosedur yang mengharuskan penerima dana harus pergi ke ATM.
Intinya, dengan rayuan atau alasan apapun (walaupun terkesan alasannya masuk akal), tapi kalau pada akhirnya disuruh ke ATM = sudah pasti PENIPUAN. 

Kalau ada orang yang bilang, gagal transfer karena rekening anda dananya kurang (misalnya ada orang yang bilang anda harus minimal ada saldo 500 ribu baru bisa di transfer), ITU SUDAH PASTI PENIPUAN.
Jika rekening anda masih berfungsi / aktif, maka biar saldo cuma sisa 1.000 Rupiah pun pasti tetap bisa di transfer dgn normal.

Jadi, jika anda masih ragu-ragu apakah ini penipuan atau tidak dan ingin coba-coba, kosongkan saja rekening anda terlebih dahulu. Jika dia bilang harus ada minimal saldo = saya jamin 1000% itu pasti PENIPUAN.

25 Juni 2015 Oleh Ted 

Saturday, November 28, 2015

History of Crystal Healing

It is fair to say that as long as we have existed as a species, we have had an affinity with stones and crystals. The use of talismans and amulets dates back to the beginnings of humankind, although we have no way of knowing how the earliest of these objects were viewed or used. Many early pieces were organic in origin. Beads carved of mammoth ivory were excavated from a grave in Sungir, Russia, dating back 25,000 years (Upper Palaeolithic period), and there are contemporary beads made from shell and fossil shark's teeth.

The oldest amulets are of Baltic amber, some from as long as 30,000 years ago, and amber beads were discovered in Britain from 10,000 years ago, the end of the last ice age. The distance they travelled to reach Britain shows their value to the people of that time. Jet was also popular, and jet beads, bracelets and necklaces have been discovered in Palaeolithic gravesites in Switzerland and Belgium. There have been malachite mines in Sinai since 4000 BC.

The first historical references to the use of crystals come from ancient Sumaria, where they were included in magic formulas. The ancient Egyptians used lapis lazuli, turquoise, carnelian, emerald and clear quartz in their jewellery, and carved grave amulets of the same gems. Stones were used for protection and health. Chrysolite (later translated as both topaz and peridot) was used to combat night terrors and purge evil spirits. Egyptians also used crystals cosmetically. Galena (lead ore) was ground to a powder and used as the eye shadow known as khol. Malachite was used in a similar manner. Green stones in general were used to signify the heart of the deceased, and were included in burials. Green stones were used in a similar way at a later period in ancient Mexico.

The ancient Greeks attributed a number of properties to crystals, and many names we use today are of Greek origin. The word 'crystal' comes from the Greek word for ice, as it was believed that clear quartz was water that had frozen so deeply it would always remain solid. Amethyst means 'not drunken', and was worn as an amulet to prevent drunkenness. Hematite comes from the word for blood, because of the red colouration produced when it oxidises. Hematite is an iron ore, and the ancient Greeks associated iron with Mars, the god of war. Greek soldiers would rub hematite over their bodies before battle, probably to make themselves invulnerable. Greek sailors wore a variety of amulets to keep them safe at sea.

Jade was highly valued in ancient China, and some Chinese written characters represent jade beads. Musical instruments in the form of chimes were made from jade, and around 1000 years ago emperors were sometimes buried in jade armour. There are burials with jade masks from around the same period in Mexico. Jade was recognised as a kidney healing stone both in China and South America. More recently, dating from around 250 years ago, the Maoris of New Zealand wore jade pendants representing the ancestor spirits, which were passed down many generations through the male line. The practise of wearing 'green stone' pendants carries on there today.

Crystals and gemstones have played a part in all religions. They are mentioned throughout the Bible, and in the Koran. The origin of the stones we attribute to various birth signs is the breastplate of Aaron, or high priest's breastplate, mentioned in the book of Exodus. In the Koran, the 4th Heaven is composed of carbuncle (garnet). The Kalpa Tree, which represents an offering to the gods in Hinduism, is said to be made entirely of precious stone, and a Buddhist text from the 7th century describes a diamond throne, situated near the Tree of Knowledge (the neem tree under which Sidhartha meditated). On this throne a thousand Kalpa Buddhas reposed. The Kalpa Sutra, in Jainism, speaks of Harinegamesi, the divine commander of the foot troops, who seized 14 precious stones, cleansed them of their lesser qualities, and retained only their finest essence to aid his transformations.

There is an ancient sacred lapidary treatise, the Ratnapariksha of Buddhabhatta. Some sources state that it is Hindu, but it is most likely Buddhist. The date is uncertain, but it is probably from the 6th Century. In this treatise, diamonds figure highly, as the king of gemstones, and are ranked according to caste. The Sanskrit word for diamond, vajra, is also the word for the Hindu goddess Indra's thunderbolt, and diamonds are often associated with thunder. The ruby was also highly revered. It represented an inextinguishable flame, and was purported to preserve both the physical and mental health of the wearer. The treatise lists many other gemstones and their properties.
In Burma, stones, especially rubies, were inserted into the flesh to become part of the wearer's body, in the belief it would make them invulnerable.

Amulets were banned by the Christian church in 355 AD, but gemstones continued to play an important role, with sapphire being the favoured gem for ecclesiastical rings in the 12th century. Marbodus, the Bishop of Rennes in the 11th century, claimed that agate would make the wearer more agreeable, persuasive, and in favour of God. There were also many symbolic references, such as the carbuncle representing Christ's sacrifice.

In Europe, from the 11th century through the Renaissance, a number of medical treatises appeared, extolling the virtues of precious and semi-precious stones in the treatment of certain ailments, alongside mainly herbal remedies. Authors included Hildegard von Bingen, Arnoldus Saxo, and John Mandeville. There are also references to stones with particular qualities of strength or protection. In 1232 Hubert de Burgh, the chief justicular of Henry III, was accused of stealing a gem from the king's treasury which would make the wearer invincible, and giving it to Llewellyn, the King of Wales and Henry's enemy. It was also believed that gemstones were corrupted by the original sins of Adam, could possibly be inhabited by demons, or if handled by a sinner, their virtues would depart. Therefore, they should be sanctified and consecrated before wearing. There is an echo of this belief today in the cleansing and programming of crystals before use in crystal healing.

During the Renaissance the tradition of using precious stones in healing was still accepted, but the enquiring minds of the period sought to find out how this worked, and give it a more scientific explanation.

In 1609 Anselmus de Boot, court physician to Rudolf II of Germany, suggested that any virtue a gemstone has is due to the presence of good or bad angels. The good angels would confer a special grace to the gems, but the bad angels would tempt people into believing in the stone itself, and not in God's gifts bestowed on it. He goes on to name certain stones as helpful, and put other's qualities down simply to superstition. Later in the same century, Thomas Nicols expressed in his 'Faithful Lapidary' that gems, as inanimate objects, could not possess the effects claimed in the past. Thus, in the Age of Enlightenment, the use of precious stones for healing and protection began to fall from favour in Europe.

In the early part of the 19th century, a number of interesting experiments were conducted to demonstrate the effects of stones on subjects who believed themselves to be clairvoyant. In one case, the subject claimed to feel not only physical and emotional changes when touched with various stones, but also to experience smells and tastes.
Although no longer in use medicinally, gemstones continued to hold meaning. Until recently, jet was popularly worn by those in mourning, and garnet was often worn in times of war. There is a tradition in a local family here in southwest England: every female descendent wears an antique moonstone necklace for her wedding, which has been in the family for generations. It was only recently that one family member realised this was a fertility symbol.

Many tribal cultures have continued the use of gemstones in healing until very recently, if not through to the present day. The Zuni tribe in New Mexico make stone fetishes, which represent animal spirits. These were ceremonially 'fed' on powdered turquoise and ground maize. Beautiful inlaid fetishes are still made to sell, and are very collectable artefacts or sculptures, although the spiritual practise surrounding them is no longer much in use. Other Native American tribes still hold precious stones, especially turquoise, sacred. Both Aborigines and Maoris have traditions regarding stones and healing or spiritual practise, some of which they share with the rest of the world, while some knowledge still kept private within their communities.

It is interesting to note that there are many examples of gemstones meaning similar things to different cultures, even when there has been absolutely no interaction between these cultures, and no opportunity for crossover. Jade was considered to be a kidney healing stone by the ancient Chinese, and also Aztec and Mayan civilisations, turquoise has been worn to give strength and health all over the world, and jaspers have almost always conferred both strength and calm.

In the 1980s, with the advent of the New Age culture, the use of crystals and gemstones began to re-emerge as a healing method. Much of the practise was drawn from old traditions, with more information gained by experimentation and channelling. Books by Katrina Rafaell in the 80s, and Melody and Michael Gienger in the 90s, helped to popularise the use of crystals.

These days there are a large number of books available on the subject, and crystals frequently feature in magazine and newspaper articles. Crystal therapy crosses the boundaries of religious and spiritual beliefs. It is no longer viewed as the domain of alternative culture, but as an acceptable and more mainstream complimentary therapy, and many colleges now offer it as a qualification subject.

Source: Mr. Google Mania

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Penghuni Bumi Pertama, Makhluk Sebelum Nabi Adam as.

Mungkin dalam hati pernah terbesit pertanyaan: 

Siapakah makhluk sebelum Nabi Adam as.?

وَإِذْقَالَ رَبُّكَ لِلْمَلاَئِكَةِ إِنِّى جَاعِلٌ فِى الْأَرْضِ خَلِيْفَةً قَالُوْا أَتَجْعَلُ 

فِيْهَا مَنْ يُفْسِدُ فِيْهَا وَيَسْفِكُ الدِّمَاءَ وَنَحْنُ نُسَبِّحُكَ بِحَمْدِكَ وَنُقَدِّسُ لَكَ 

قَالَ إِنِّي أَعْلَمُ مَا لَا تَعْلَمُوْنَ

wa-idz qaala rabbuka lilmalaa-ikati innii jaa'ilun fii al-ardhi khaliifatan qaaluu ataj'alu fiihaa man yufsidu fiihaa wayasfiku alddimaa-a wanahnu nusabbihu bihamdika wanuqaddisu laka qaala innii a'lamu maa laa ta'lamuuna

Dan (ingatlah) ketika Tuhanmu berfirman kepada para malaikat: “Sesungguhnya Aku hendak menjadikan di muka bumi itu seorang khalifah.” Mereka berkata: “Apakah Engkau hendak menjadikan (khalifah) di bumi itu orang yang akan membuat kerusakan padanya dan menumpahkan darah, padahal kami senantiasa bertasbih dengan memuji Engkau dan mensucikan Engkau?” Tuhan berfirman: “Sesungguhnya Aku lebih mengetahui apa yang tidak kalian ketahui.” (QS al-Baqarah [2]: 30)

English:2:30. And when thy Lord said unto the angels: Lo! I am about to place a viceroy in the earth, they said: wilt Thou place therein one who will do harm therein and will shed blood, while we, we hymn Thy praise and sanctify Thee? He said: Surely I know that which ye know not.

Sebelum Nabi Adam as. pindah ke bumi, diceritakan bahwa yang menempati bumi ini adalah bangsa jin, yang dikelompokan menjadi abal-jan dan banul-jan. Dua kelompok tersebut bertempur terus, tidak pernah bersahabat. 

Kemudian malaikat bertanya kepada Allah apakah akan membuat orang untuk menjadikan kholifah dibumi yang selalu yasfiquddima (bertumpahan darah), akhirnya Allah memerintahkan ‘azajil bersama para malaikat, untuk menaklukkan abal jan dan janul jan di bumi ini.

Setelah ditaklukkan, Allah menciptakan Nabi Adam as., yang kemudian diberi ilmu oleh Allah karena tujuannya untuk menjadikan kholifah dibumi, setelah itu diuji di antara para malaikat dan 'azazil, ternyata yang lulus adalah Nabi Adam as., akhirnya semuanya diperintah Allah untuk sujud penghormatan kepada Adam as.

“fasajaduu illa Iblis”, semuanya sujud kecuali ‘azajil (bangsa Iblis) mereka sombong dan membangkang “aba wastakbaro”.

Manusia tidak diciptakan di bumi, tapi manusia dijadikan khalifah (viceroy) di bumi. Adam as. bukanlah  makhluk pertama di bumi, dan Allah tidak mengatakan untuk mengganti manusia sebelumnya, tapi mengganti makhluk di bumi, yaitu abal jan dan banul jan, mereka itu adalah penghuni bumi sebelum manusia.

Bentuk lahiriahnya pun tak jauh berbeda dengan manusia, maka anda bisa buktikan bahwa makhluk selain manusia, punya badan yang sama seperti manusia, yaitu banul jan, anak turun Jin, juga banul ban anak turun dedemit, maka ketika bumi rusak oleh mereka, mereka diusir bahkan dibasmi oleh malaikat, hingga mereka berlari terbirit-birit dan mencari tempat yang jauh dari anak Adam.

Kalau dari segi Archeology: 

Berdasarkan fosil-fosil yang ditemukan, memang ada makhluk lain sebelum manusia. Mereka seperti manusia, tetapi mempunyai karakteristik yang lebih primitif. Otak mereka lebih kecil. Oleh karena itu, kemampuan mereka berbicara sangat terbatas karena tidak banyak suara vowel yang mampu mereka bunyikan. Kelompok ini dinamakan Neanderthal.

Kemudian datanglah manusia Adam yang diklasifikasikan sebagai Homo Sapiens. Ada teori yang mengatakan Neonderthal lenyap sebelum Homosapiens muncul. Tapi yang pasti, Homosapiens bukanlah evolusi dari Neanderthal. Neanderthal hanyalah makhluk seakan manusia yang telah ada sebelum kita (manusia Homo sapiens) ada. 

Friday, October 30, 2015

Jual Greg Bennett GD-70CE Fishman Isys (T) - Beema Senna | Tokopedia

Jual Greg Bennett GD-70CE Fishman Isys (T) - Beema Senna | Tokopedia:

Jual Greg Bennett GD-70CE Fishman Isys (T), Musical Instrument Store dengan harga Rp 1.800.000 dari toko online Beema Senna, Jakarta. Jual beli online aman dan nyaman hanya di Tokopedia.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Sabun Jamalah (Susu, Madu, Zaitun)

Harga Eceran Rp 15.000,-
Reseller min 3 lusin @Rp 8.500,-

Sabun Jamalah (Susu, Madu, Zaitun)

... mandi susu...
... mandi madu..
... lulur zaitun.. menjadi satu, masya Allah..


Kulit bersih dan lembut
Tuntaskan flek
muka kusam
lubang jerawat
bintik hitam
kerak seputar selangkangan, payudara dan ketiak
penyakit jamur (panu, eksim, kutu air)


Susu Murni (45%)
Madu (20%)
Minyak Zaitun (15%)
Sari tumbuhan (10%)
bahan lain (10%)

Harga Eceran Rp 15.000,-
Reseller min 3 lusin @Rp 8.500,-

Konsul dan pmesanan : 08561 772 722
Domisili : Jakarta

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Dates, The Benefits

In traditional ancient diets, a bowl of dates was offered on the table at each meal as a sign of hospitality from the host to his guest. A date would often accompany a cup of coffee or tea which were consumed unsweetened so the date could provide the desired sweetness and complement the drink. The custom continues today in many cultures.

How to Select
Choose dates that are shiny, uniformly colored and not broken.


How to Store
Store dates at room temperature in an airtight container for several months or refrigerate for up to a year.

Nutrition Benefits
Dates are fat free, saturated fat free, cholesterol free, sodium free, and a good source of fiber (1/4 cup provides 12% of the daily value for fiber). Dates also provide 8% of your daily potassium recommendation and 6% of your daily manganese recommendation in a ¼ cup.

Antioxidant Quality of Dates
Polyphenols are a type of antioxidant. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), dates are higher in total polyphenols than any of the most commonly consumed fruits or vegetables. The reason for this is due to a harsh desert environment (where dates are grown), which causes polyphenols to provide protection from oxidative stress to the palm’s fruit.

Other Attributes of Dates
  • Dates are the lowest moisture whole fruit with only 30% moisture. This makes them the only naturally “dehydrated” fruit.
  • Dates have a long shelf life and do not require refrigeration.
  • Dates have a natural balance of many minerals such as calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, iron, selenium, and potassium. These minerals work in harmony to lower blood pressure on a daily basis.  



Minyak Habbatus Sauda Kapsul

Isi 200 kapsul ; Rp 80.000,-
6 btl @Rp 75.000,-
12 btl @Rp 67.500,-

Isi 100 kapsul ; Rp 50.000,-

6 btl @Rp 42.250,-
12 btl @Rp 37.500,-

Isi 60 kapsul ; Rp 35.000,-

6 btl @Rp 29.500,-
12 btl @Rp 25.500,-

Isi 200 kapsul ;  Rp 80.000,-
6 btl @Rp 75.000,-
12 btl @Rp 67.500,-
Isi 100 kapsul ; Rp 50.000,-
6 btl @Rp 42.250,-
12 btl @Rp 37.500,-

Isi 60 kapsul ; Rp 35.000,-
6 btl @Rp 29.500,-
12 btl @Rp 25.500,-