Friday, August 27, 2010

Beauty Tips with Olive Oil

For centuries, Mediterranean beauties have relied on olive oil to help maintain good health, a fresh, dewy complexion, lustrous hair, and more.

Now you can learn the secrets of olive oil that have made it such a favorite Kitchen Cupboard beauty aid for so many for so long.

Cuticles and nails: If your cuticles are ragged and your nails brittle and dry, olive oil can help! Soak nails for 30 minutes in a small cup of olive oil.

Hands: Smooth on a generous amount of olive oil before bed, put on white cotton gloves, and go to sleep. Your hands will be softer and smoother in the morning!

Lips: To soothe and smoothe dry, chapped lips, dab on a little olive oil.

Hair treatment: This helps repair split ends, heals dandruff, and makes your hair shiny, silky, and lustrous. Massage a few tablespoons of olive oil into scalp and hair. Cover hair with a plastic bathing cap and leave on for 30 minutes or more, then shampoo as usual.

Skin: Massage a small amount of olive oil into skin whenever you need softening and moisturizing. Apply extra oil to rough or cracked areas.

Bath: Add several tablespoons of olive oil to your bath, along with a few drops of your favorite essential oil, to soothe and nourish your skin.

By Cait Johnson, Assistant Producer, Care2 Healthy Living Channels.

Health Benefits of Olive Oil

Because olive oil is so rich in good fats, and those fats are so good for cholesterol levels, it should come as no surprise that olive oil is healthy for your heart.

Studies suggesting that olive oil can reduce a person's chances of developing heart disease led the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) in 2004 to allow manufacturers to boast such on their olive oil labels. However, it's best to use olive oil as a replacement for oils and butter that are high in saturated fats instead of simply adding olive oil to your diet.

The oleic acid, in addition to certain compounds also found in olive oil (squalene and terpenoids), are also believed to be effective in preventing cancer, according to 2004 study in the European Journal of Cancer Prevention.

Cooks may choose higher quality olive oil because it tastes better, but higher quality olive oil is also generally healthier because it is richer in vitamin E and antioxidants, which are believed to help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals -- unstable atoms or molecules.

The highest quality comes from the first pressing of the olives and is known as "extra virgin." The next, known as "fine virgin" (or simply "virgin"), comes from the second pressing. Lower-quality olive oils, including "pure" and "light" (the lowest quality) involve processing and refining.

Another piece of good news is that olive oil has no trans fats, which are unhealthy fats developed by a manufacturing process known as hydrogenation. However, we must caveat that with this point: If you cook olive oil beyond its smoke point, its chemical structure will change and it will partially hydrogenate. This process could produce trans fats.

Olive oil's specific smoke point can vary greatly -- anywhere between 200 and 468 degrees Fahrenheit (104 to 242 degrees Celsius). Generally, the higher the quality of olive oil the lower the smoke point. Too get all the health benefits of extra virgin olive oil, you shouldn't cook beyond 200 degrees F (104 degrees Celsius). However, Dr. David Katz reassures cooks that cooking up to 340 degrees Fahrenheit (171 degrees Celsius) will only minimally damage flavonoids and shouldn't damage the healthy fats.

So as long as you keep an eye on the temperature, olive oil is one of those rare guilt-free pleasures.


Olive Oil Nutritional Information

In order to understand the nutritional make-up of olive oil, we'll first need to go over the different kinds of fats. Olive oil contains monounsaturated, polyunsaturated and saturated fats.

Certain fats (or "fatty acids" in chemistry lingo) are classified as saturated because in their molecular construction, the carbon is saturated with as much hydrogen as it can hold. Meat and dairy are big sources of this type of fat. Saturated fats are notorious as the "bad fats" because they promote bad cholesterol.

Unsaturated fats, as you might guess, do have carbon with room for added hydrogen. This is because they have a double carbon bond. Unsaturated fats come in different forms as well. Often abbreviated MUFAs, monounsaturated fatty acids have one double carbon bond and are especially good for cholesterol levels. They lower LDL ("bad") cholesterol and increase HDL ("good") cholesterol. Polyunsaturated fats have more than one double carbon bond, are generally good for you in moderation and can help lower cholesterol.

Actually, all oils contain these kinds of fats; it's the proportions that make the nutritional difference. To give you an idea of the different proportions in a typical extra virgin olive oil, a serving size (1 tablespoon) contains about 2 grams of saturated fat, 2 grams of polyunsaturated fat and 10 grams of monounsaturated fat.

Olive oil is high in a particular monounsaturated fat called oleic acid. Depending on various factors, such as the kind of olives used to make the oil and even the soil used to grow them, olive oil is typically 55 percent to 85 percent oleic acid.

In addition to oleic acids, olive oil contains some important polyunsaturated fats. Namely, these are an omega-3 fatty acid known as alpha-linolenic acid and an omega-6 fatty acid known as linoleic acid.

Olive oil is also rich in antioxidants, such as phenols and tocopherols as well as vitamin E.


Thursday, August 26, 2010

What is Olive Oil (Minyak Zaitun) ?

Olive oil has become a favorite choice among many cooks for its versatility and distinct taste. If you ever watch (or have even heard of) the popular TV cook Rachael Ray, you probably know that she is famous for using olive oil in most of her recipes. She has become so synonymous with the oil that she helped make it a popular fad, launched the abbreviation "EVOO" (for "extra virgin olive oil") into common kitchen parlance and even markets her own brand of it.

But the olive oil craze has also grown as studies continue to reveal its numerous health benefits. When researchers started looking into why people in the Mediterranean region are generally healthier and have a longer life expectancy than others, they found that this was largely a result of their healthy diet. And they believe that diet is so healthy because of their heavy consumption of olive oil.

As you might expect, this is because olive oil is nutritious in and of itself. And we'll be talking about what researchers believe is in olive oil that makes it so healthy for us.

However, it's important to keep in mind that olive oil is a healthy choice not only for what it is, but also for what it is not. Namely, while olive oil is actually good for maintaining healthy cholesterol levels, many of its cooking substitutes are decidedly bad for cholesterol. This includes butter or lard or anything that is partially hydrogenated.

What's fascinating is that people in the Mediterranean region have been reaping the benefits of olive oil for millennia, without knowing all the scientific nutrition information we know today. Olive oil was highly valued in ancient Mediterranean cultures for use in food, but also as lamp fuel and other medicinal uses. There were legends about the origin of the olive tree, and it came to represent such things as peace and fertility. We get our English word "oil" from the Romans ("oleum"), who derived it from their word for olive ("oliva").

Although these days we can extract oil from olives with industrial machines, ancient people had to crush olives by foot or stone, or eventually with a mule-powered crushing mill. Crushed olives turn into paste, which they divided into sections and placed on discs. These discs were piled into stacks, which were squeezed together to extract the oil.


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Produk Habbatussauda (Blackseed's Products)

 Isi 200 kapsul ; Rp 80.000,-
6 btl @Rp 75.000,-
12 btl @Rp 67.500,-

Isi 100 kapsul ; Rp 50.000,-
6 btl @Rp 42.250,-
12 btl @Rp 37.500,-

 Isi 200 kapsul ; Rp 80.000,-
6 btl @Rp 75.000,-
12 btl @Rp 67.500,-

Isi 100 kapsul ; Rp 50.000,-
6 btl @Rp 42.250,-
12 btl @Rp 37.500,-

Isi 200 kapsul ; Rp 80.000,-
6 btl @Rp 75.000,-
12 btl @Rp 67.500,-

Isi 100 kapsul ; Rp 50.000,-
6 btl @Rp 42.250,-
12 btl @Rp 37.500,-

Isi 60 kapsul ; Rp 35.000,-
6 btl @Rp 29.500,-
12 btl @Rp 25.500,-

Ajwa ; 210 kaps ; Rp 45.000,-
12 btl @ Rp 24.500,-

Ajwa ; 120 kaps ; Rp 25.000,-
12 btl @ Rp 15.250,-

Ad Dawa ; 200 kaps ; Rp 40.000,-

Ad Dawa ; 100 kaps ; Rp 25.000,-

Isi 200 kapsul ; Rp 80.000,-
6 btl @Rp 75.000,-
12 btl @Rp 67.500,-

Isi 100 kapsul ; Rp 50.000,-
6 btl @Rp 42.250,-
12 btl @Rp 37.500,-

Isi 60 kapsul ; Rp 35.000,-
6 btl @Rp 29.500,-
12 btl @Rp 25.500,-

Non Chemical
Tanpa Zat Kimia


Zaitun bagi perawatan kulit, wajah dan rambut

Jika senang mengonsumsi makanan di daerah Laut Mediterania, tentu tak asing lagi dengan buah zaitun yang kerap dicampurkan di dalam menunya. Rasanya yang asam memberi reaksi yang kontras bagi yang mengudapnya: sangat senang atau tidak senang sama sekali.

Buah zaitun ini pun diolah dalam berbagai bentuk, ada yang dikeringkan, dijadikan acar atau diperas untuk diambil minyaknya, yang kemudian dicampurkan ke dalam menu makanan sehingga memiliki rasa yang khas, Namun, bukan hanya sebagai penyedap rasa saja, minyak zaitun selama beribu-ribu tahun juga terbukti menjadi salah satu rahasia merawat tubuh.

Berikut ini ada beberapa tips memanfaatkan minyak zaitun (olive oil) untuk kecantikan:

1. Jika dioleskan ke mahkota kepala, minyak zaitun akan membantu menyuburkan rambut sehingga membuatnya hitam dan lebat.
Hal ini pulalah yang, konon, dipraktikkan oleh Cleopatra di masa lalu. Caranya bisa dicampurkan dengan penggunaan sampo yang biasa dipakai sehari-hari kemudian bilas hingga bersih.

2. Bukan hanya untuk rambut, minyak zaitun pun memberi manfaat tersendiri jika diaplikasikan di wajah, khususnya untuk wajah kering dan mulai berkeriput.
Hal tersebut tak lain karena buah zaitun yang mengandung minyak sebesar 15 persen sehingga mampu melembabkan kulit dengan baik. Di sisi lain, kelembapan tersebut akan menjaga elastisitas kulit sehingga meminimalkan munculnya keriput dini. Ada yang melakukannya dicampur dengan bahan lain, seperti buah alpukat dan ada pula yang langsung mengoleskan minyak zaitun murni ke wajah.

Oleskan secara merata di permukaan wajah hingga leher setiap malam dan diamkan selama sekitar 10 menit. Setelah itu, bilaslah hingga bersih. Sembari mengoleskan ke wajah, berilah sedikit pijatan karena minyak tersebut juga dapat membantu mengendurkan ketegangan otot di wajah setelah lelah beraktivitas. Apabila dilakukan secara teratur, kulit wajah pun akan terlihat lebh segar.

3. Demikian pula untuk merawat kesehatan kulit di tubuh secara keseluruhan, yang bisa dioleskan ketika mandi.
Kulit tubuh pun akan terjaga kelembabannya dan terlihat lebih bercahaya. Dengan beragam manfaat ini, tak heran jika minyak zaitun juga banyak ditemui sebagai salah satu bahan formula yang digunakan dalam sebuah produk kecantikan.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Kid Honey (Honey+Olive Oil+Black Seed Oil)

Ni madu khusus anak.... rasa jeruk.....

Terbuat dari madu (honey) pilihan
dan diracik khusus dengan minyak habbatussauda (black seed oil)
juga minyak zaitun (olive oil) .....
jadi, mengandung omega 3, 6 dan 9.

Manfaat :
  • membantu pertumbuhan otak
  • menambah nafsu makan
  • menurunkan panas badan
  • meningkatkan stamina
  • memelihara kesehatan
  • menjaga sistem kekebalan tubuh (immunity system)

Sangat baik diminum setiap hari sebagai pengganti multivitamin.
*cepet abis dong yak...?

Beratnya 135 gram.

Ude ade sertifikat LP-POM MUI-JB 01173000170907.

Depkes P.IRT 1093 2730 1251.


Cek ongkos kirim

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Minyak Habbatus Sauda (Black seed oil) Kapsul

Minyak ini terbuat dari biji2 habbatus sauda yg udah dipake sejak ribuan taun....
sangat mujarab inshallaah.

Penelitian2 para ahli medis telah membuktikan bahwa biji2 habbatus sauda ini dapat mengobati berbagai macam penyakit.
Rasulullah saw katakan, gunakanlah habbatus sauda karena di dalamnya terdapat obat bagi seluruh penyakit kecuali as-sham (kematian). (HR. Bukhari) 

Isi 200 kapsul ; Rp 80.000,-
6 btl @Rp 75.000,-
12 btl @Rp 67.500,-

Mengobati berbagai macam penyakit, seperti:
  • gangguan usus dan lambung
  • gangguan paru"
  • batuk
  • liver
  • antihistamin
  • antibakteri
  • impotensi
  • ginjal
  • diabetes
  • memperbaiki sel" yg mati 
Isi 100 kapsul ; Rp 50.000,-
6 btl @Rp 42.250,-
12 btl @Rp 37.500,-

  • sinusitis
  • stroke
  • kanker
  • tumor
  • migrain dan pusing"
  • menambah gairah bekerja, berolah raga maupun suami istri
  • menyeimbangkan hormon
  • asam urat
  • kista
  • myom
  • penyempitan pembuluh darah (viskositas)
  • penyakit" kulit (dioleskan)
  • alergi
  • gatal"
  • herpes
  • luka bakar (dioleskan)

Aturan Pakai:

Kesehatan dan stamina : 3 x 1 kaps/hari
Penyakit Ringan           : 3 x 2 kaps/hari
Penyakit Kronis            : 3 x 3 kaps/hari
Anak-anak                   : 2 x 1 kaps/hari

Sertifikat Halal:

LP-POM MUI : 00260041450806
Cangkang Kapsul: 00140016360701

Isi 60 kapsul ; Rp 35.000,-
6 btl @Rp 29.500,-
12 btl @Rp 25.500,-

Isi 200 kapsul ; Rp 80.000,-
6 btl @Rp 75.000,-
12 btl @Rp 67.500,-

Isi 100 kapsul ; Rp 50.000,-
6 btl @Rp 42.250,-
12 btl @Rp 37.500,-

Isi 60 kapsul ; Rp 35.000,-
6 btl @Rp 29.500,-
12 btl @Rp 25.500,-

Non Chemical

Konsul dan pmesanan : 08561 772 722

Domisili : Jakarta